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How to Test a Hearing Loop System
As reliable as quality hearing loop systems are, they can also have their bad days! When that is the case, finding the source of the issue is essential. Do you know how to test a hearing loop system?
Let’s run through the basic checks you need to cover so that your loop’s fully functional – and that you can keep on tuning in whenever you need to.
Read the manual!
Of course, the first and best way to test your hearing loop system is by first reading the manual. While many models function in similar ways, it is best to check the instructions or user guide for your specific model to ensure that you are doing the right tests and to see what you should expect from the results.
If you cannot find your manual, then try looking online. Many of them are available as PDFs – and, of course, you can also head to YouTube for step-by-step guidance (often subtitled).
Check the lights on your hearing loop system
After reading your manual and checking out any specific troubleshooting options, keep an eye on any lights that may illuminate during use. Should there be an issue, you should be able to spot warning lights – or at least a change to illumination – that you might not usually expect.
Depending on your model, these could be flashing lights, lights of different colours – you’ll need to double-check your manual so you know what you’re working with.
Depending on the answer, you may need to contact the supplier of the hearing loop system for more information – or even a repair. However, don’t be too quick to trade your loop in just yet – as there’s a tried-and-tested trick that might just bring your technology back to life again.
Reboot the system
When absolutely everything fails, the best thing to do on most electronic devices is to turn them off and on again! Sometimes, a quick reboot is enough to rejig the system and get it to work properly. However, in a lot of cases, you may have to do a bit more than that!
A complete reboot could involve shutting off the hearing loop system entirely, and then waiting a few moments before turning it back on again. This is known as a hard reset.
Sometimes, hard resetting only takes about ten seconds, but it’s best to wait a few minutes to be sure. Of course, it depends entirely on the hearing loop system model that you have, which is why consulting the manual, or the supplier is best!
Once it turns back on, your loop will be fully operational again if its lights appear in the sequence you expect. It could take several minutes for the system’s lights to come back on properly, so don’t worry if it isn’t instantaneous!
Check the fuses
Even with a reboot, your hearing loop system may not work properly. If that’s the case, then it’s best to check the associated fuses. Your loop’s fuses are likely to be located in a compartment at the back of the main system. Some systems come with replacement fuses included on delivery – however, again, you will need to check the instructions or talk with the supplier before opening up the hearing loop outright. Doing so what could result in you invalidating your warranty!
If you do not know how to change the fuses, then ask for help. Ensure that the hearing loop system is unplugged before you do anything – it’s not worth putting your life at risk over.
If, after replacing the fuse, another blows, then it’s certainly time to contact the supplier. There could be a more serious issue that needs addressing – which can be fixed through a repair.
Test the system thoroughly
Once you have addressed any potential issues, it’s time to test the hearing loop system again to ensure it’s back up to speed; this can be done through your hearing aid, or using the RXTI2 Loop Testing device. Try playing some music through the system, or have someone talk near it.
Listen for any kind of distortion or humming coming through. Distortion can sound like a high frequency or pitch that you’re otherwise not accustomed to. Try switching the sound source to test it – if the distortion or humming is still coming through, then it is most likely an issue with the hearing loop system, not any other devices.
Humming may be emanating from something else within your room or space, so try moving the loop to a different area if you can.
Again, if the humming is still present and is too loud, then it is best to contact the supplier for help, a repair, or even a replacement of your hearing loop system. If you’re within warranty, you may be able to get a fix for free.
Check the sound levels
The audio levels in the driver can cause some of the most common issues in hearing loop systems – which essentially means your technology just needs a little bit of tweaking. Check the audio levels that feed your hearing loop system driver before trying anything else!
Most hearing loop manuals will go into detail on how to address audio levels and driver problems – so please, again, read it cover to cover before you go ahead and tamper with any equipment!
Hearing loop systems are crucial for millions of people – and yet, like all other technology, they can develop breaking points, making life difficult for all involved. Thankfully, most hearing loop technology in the modern age is easy to use and troubleshoot if need be.
There are also multiple ways of testing your hearing loop system before assuming that there is a severe issue that will need replacing. Always try testing your hearing loop system before giving up on it, but ensure that you are testing it in the ways that are designed for your hearing loop system in particular. The manual holds the key – trust us on this one!
For more information about testing your hearing loop system, call Hearing Loop on 01142 357717, or email us at

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